Qatar National Vision 2030; Qatar is Magic Brand

Qatar National Vision 2030; Qatar is Magic Brand

Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030), launched in October 2008, builds a bridge from the present to the future. It aims to transform Qatar into an advanced country, sustaining its development and providing a high standard of living for all its people—for generations to come. It envisages all Qataris working … YAZININ DEVAMI

Katagori : By Ömer ŞENGÜLER
Branding Makes The Difference; Establishing Global Emotional Connections

Branding Makes The Difference; Establishing Global Emotional Connections

Thanks to a growing economy and increased political prestige in the last 10 years, Turkey ranks 19th among the 100 most valuable nation brands in the world. But Turkish brands having hardships becoming global brands so far, the target which the country has set for itself, is to be one … YAZININ DEVAMI

Katagori : By Ömer ŞENGÜLER